Friday, July 30, 2010

Invitation to Warming Shelter Discussion 8/10

Tina Haffeman of Oshkosh ESTHER shared the following invitation with the Winnebagoland Housing Coalition:
You are invited to begin a community discussion on the creation of a warming shelter in Oshkosh

Oshkosh ESTHER, a local interfaith group, has been researching the possibility of establishing a warming shelter here in Oshkosh. Fr. Carr’s Place 2B provides emergency shelter but does not provide warming shelter services to those with alcohol or drug addictions, mental illness, or a criminal background. The need for such a shelter has become apparent after discussion with many agencies and individuals in Oshkosh including many members of the Winnebagoland Housing Coalition. We are currently exploring possibilities for such a shelter and, at this point, feel that a conversation needs to held with as many community stakeholders as possible.

Therefore, Oshkosh ESTHER would like to invite you to participate in an Oshkosh ESTHER warming shelter meeting on Tuesday, August 10th at 4:00 at Trinity Episcopal Parish Hall at 311 Division (behind the church).

At this meeting, we will:
*share our research on how area cities have addressed this shelter issue and the progress we have made to date exploring the idea of a warming shelter on Oshkosh
*work to establish a coalition to work together on the issue
*establish a strategy to raise public awareness of the definition of a warming shelter, the need for one in Oshkosh, and possible options
*brainstorm and gather input from stakeholders on the next steps to take

Please consider attending this meeting or finding someone from your organization to attend. If you are interested, but cannot attend, please contact Tina Haffeman so that you can be kept informed of progress. Contact Tina Haffeman via email at or by phone at 235.5918 with questions or concerns.

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